What is the duration for completing training towards becoming qualified medical coder or biller?
The time length required for taking the training entirely depends upon several factors, which includes if the individual is eager to undergo actual classroom session training or online classes, whether or not, he is looking for a degree or certification and if he wants facility based coding physician based coding. Every learning mode is known to have its own different set of costs as well as timelines to complete the course.

Courses offered
Preparation courses are offered for physician based coding along with online certification program which could be completed within a time frame of 4 months. There is also provided facility based coding, as well as certification program including degree based program. Online coding fundamental program is considered to be self paced, however, could be completed within fifteen months.

Online certificate programs
Most certificate programs offered through the web in coding and billing could be completed within a year. However, if the individual is looking for degree program, then associate degree program would be for a period of two years, while bachelor’s program would of four years, irrespective of the fact that it is undergone online or by attending regular classroom session. The timeline is said to be based upon attending full time program. Medical billing and coding certificate programs that are independent of AHIMA and AAPC are meant for short term. Hence, there is need for the candidate to prepare himself towards taking the certification examination. Such programs do allow the individual to graduate and to sit for the certification and on qualifying, enter quickly the workforce to have a handsome career.

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