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Digestive System Anatomy

1. Microscopic projections in the walls of the small intestine

2. Salivary glands near the ear

3. Ring of the muscle at the end of the stomach

4. Soft, inner section of a tooth

5. Chemical that speeds up reactions and helps digest foods

6. Pigment released with bile

7. Hormone produced by endocrine cells of the pancreas

8. Rhythm like contractions of the muscles in the walls of the gastrointestinal tracts

9. Breakdown of large fat globules

10. Pointed, dog like tooth medial to premolars

11. Many pregnant woman cannot lie flat after eating without experiencing a burning sensation in their chest and throat. The usual cause of this symptom is ---------------

12. Boris had terrible problems with his teeth. He needed not only a periodontist for his ---------- but also an ----------to straighten his teeth.

13. After 6 weeks of radiation therapy to her throat, Betty experienced severe esophageal irritation and inflammation. She complained to her doctor about her resulting --------------

14. Protrusion of the upper part of the stomach through the diaphragm -----------

15. Painful inflamed intestines caused by bacterial infection ------

16. Swollen twisted veins in the rectal region ------------

17. Open sore or lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum ------------------

18. Twisting of the intestine on itself --

19. Swollen varicose veins on the surface of the distal portion of the esophagus ---------------

20. A condition of abnormal outpouchings of the intestinal wall -----------

21. Chronic inflammation of the colon with destruction of its inner surface ----------

22. Telescoping of the intestines -------------

23. Inflammation of the liver caused by type A, type B or type C virus ------------

24. Inflammation of the pancreas -----------

25. Calculi in the sac that stores bile ------------

26. Chronic degenerative liver disease with scarring resulting from alcoholism or infectious hepatitis ----------------

27. Symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, bloating) associated with stress and tension, but without inflammation of the intestine -------------

28. NPO stands for

29. EGD stands for

30. TPN stands for,

31. Opening of the third part of the small intestine to the outside of the body

32. Removal of gum tissue

33. This is not a part of the small intestine:

34. Term meaning a ring of muscles:

35. The throat is also known as the:

36. The three parts of the stomach:

37. The projection at the back of the mouth:

38. Mucosal membrane that lines the stomach:

39. The parts of the colon are:

40. Combining form meaning abdomen:

41. Term that means connecting two ends of a tube:

42. Abbreviation that means a scope placed through the esophagus, into the stomach, and to the duodenum:

43. Which of the following is the recovery stage of hepatitis?

44. This type of cirrhosis is also known as portal cirrhosis:

45. This condition is the inflammation of the bile ducts:

46. Formation of gallstones most often occurs with high levels of the following:

47. The primary factor that increases the risk of pancreatic cancer is:

48. A potential complication of this condition is ARDS:

49. The primary treatment for jaundice is:

50. This condition has as the largest group those that abuse alcohol:

51. Choose the false statement regarding the duodenum:

52. The suffix meaning artificial or surgical opening:

53. The prefix meaning lip:

54. What is the function of the gallbladder?

55. Name the three sections of the small intestine?

56. What is the name of the large intestine that runs horizontally across the abdomen?

57. What organ in the human body has the capability to regenerate?

58. What are the two process of digestion?

59. What are the three categories of teeth?

60. Approximately how long is the large intestine in normal anatomy?

61. How many lobes are in the liver?